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CMPD makes security changes after 2018 ambush
New details on CMPD changes after ambush
CMPD officers unavailable to respond to hundreds of 911 calls
CMPD: No coordination with ICE on checkpoints
The Defenders: Controversy over CMPD purchasing power
Police say a man was shot while driving in north Charlotte Saturday morning
CMPD Investigating 11 Homicides and Spike in Violent Crime
CMPD Chief Kerr Putney: Deadly police shooting 'one of the most troubling videos I've seen'
Carolina Impact Season 6 Episode 6 Generation Under Fire - CMPD Active Shooter Training
4 in custody after leading CMPD on chase, crashing car through fence
CMPD Chief Kerr Putney retiring at end of year, but will return for RNC
CMPD Officer Shoots At Car That Attempted to Run Him Over At Airport